Monday, May 25, 2009

4.2.4 Review & Test

Greetings: Did you bring your textbook? How about your homework?
What's the weather like today?
Warm-up, "Do What I say" (add some DON'T commands in there.)
Count with me: 20,21,22,23. turn to page 23, please!
Watch role play
Ask questions using the pictures on page 23
Turn the page
Review O = true; X = false
Listen to conversation with pictures, and review

Test. Perform out loud with co-teacher.
~always two times~

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

4.2.3 Letter Identification, Phrasal Review, New Song

Greetings: singing, "What's the weather like today?" continue to expand vocab. by changing words: today, "I can wear sunglasses."

DVDrom:review key phrases by re-watching per.1&2 videos.

Period three CHANT, "Oh no, don't do that!"
turn it into a clapping game. kids in twos.

textbook, page 21: Letter recognition
First kids can do it on their own,
Then, have them come up in pairs to identify CAPITAL & lower case--soooo fun if your touch screen is working! bummer if it's not!

Turn the page!
dice board game on p22.

hand out homework,
goodbye, see you next week!

4.2.2: Help Me, Please! Don't do That!

Greetings: singing, "What's the weather like today?" continue to expand vocab. by changing words: today, "I can wear a t-shirt."

Activity: I like/I don't like
The objective is to familiarize students with the expression "don't"
-explain on board first
-then reveal a bag of various objects in a a bag. choose students who are paying attention to pull something out of the bag. (plastic fruit, weather cards...etc)
Student can tell if they LIKE, or DON'T like it! then the whole class gets in on the action by saying if they like/don't like the object.

last periods phrases:
Look at...
Watch out!
Are you okay?

textbook page
Pre-watch video to learn new key phrases:
Oh, beautiful!
Don't do that!
Help me, Please!

Repeat and answer section, dvdrom

GAME: Musical Mystery Bag
place picture cards for each phrase into the mystery bag.
the game is just like hot potato.
kids in one big circle pass the bag, music stops, kid pulls out a card.
if they get it correct, their table gets a point!