Sunday, June 28, 2009

4.4.1 What time is it?

Sing Skinnamarinky-dinky dink

Count to 10
count backwards
look at a clock (ppt) learn o'clock!
count to twelve o'clock
count backwards
use your hands to count to twelve

Watch on youtube: Stevesongs let's tell the time

phrasal points:

"What time is it?"
"It's ____ o'clock"
"Oh no! I'm late!"

Look & listen
Listen & repeat

GAME (ppt)
a little like simon says,
students ask "What time is it?"
teacher says a time, and kids must mimic it using their hands

in textbook pp39
write various times
2 students can help up front by rolling the dice.

Students ask, "What time is it, Hyeweon?" "What time is it, Cheonghee?"
the student called on will answer after they both roll the dice.

4.3.3&4 Reading & Review

Sing, Can you help me (to the tune of frerre jacques /frair/ /ra/ jack/ /ah/)
textbook pp31. connect the dots while you sing, ABCDEFG.... and again abcdefg....

what is it?
It is a bee!
It is a bird!
Play them on the DVDrom b/c they're cute and the kids like them!

DVD game, get the baby out of the carousel

Watch roleplay, ask & anbswer q's

Review pp34/35

Play Morning/Afternoon/Evening
a version of rock-scissors-paper & red rover combined
morning beats afternoon
afternoon beats evening
evening beats morning

If you are the winner, try to grab your friends' hands before they pull them away
losers pull your hands away!if you are caught, then you go sit down at the winners' table

after the game, ask each table, "how old are you?"they will answer by the # of peoplelargest table gets to leave first!

4.3.2 How old are you?

Greetings, good morning, How old are you? How's the weather?

Step & Jump 3 times. English-English, English-Hangul, Hangul-English

DVDrom = textbook pp28/29
Pre-listening, what did we learn last time? "Can you help me?"
this time we learn, "How old are you?"

Look&Listen, ask qs about the story, look & listen again
Listen & Repeat

Play dice game (refer to teachers manual)

See you next week!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

4.3.1 How old are You?

Vocabulary: morning, noon, afternoon, evening
introduce new vocabulary, then teach new song, "Skinnamarinky-dinky-dink" (elephant show song...if you don't know it, you can find on youtube)

Pre-listening: listen to the 1-2-3 points before watching the video to intro phrasal points
Phrasal Points:
"Good morning"
"Can you help me please?"
"Thank you!"
"You're welcome"
Listen & Repeat (3x2 times)
Step & Jump 3 times. English-English, English-Hangul, Hangul-English
See you next week!