Tuesday, October 6, 2009

4.6.4 Is this Your Cap?>Review

Intro: PBS kids between the lions Storytime "Spicy Hot colors"
Review Objects & colors one more time.
Play 'Pass the Cap' in groups.

S&J 151

SING Is this your Cap?


See you next week!

4.6.3 Is this Your Cap

Warm-up: LISTEN & ACT--catch, throw, drop.
Students learn to mimic 3 actions with new words.

Student must say, Throw me the ball!
Toss the ball, saying catch the ball!
If they do not say the phrase, then CALL them on it!
Occasionally throw in there a "drop the ball," for the hell of it!

Re-Listen to Dialogues #1 & 2
Step & Jump p 149

textbook p65
Sing Is this your puppy? (to the tune of hush little babyDVD)
Matching activity
Activity DVD book bag drop--interactive!

Pass out homework
See you next week!

4.6.2 Is this your Cap?

Warm-up: hand out all the picture card of vocabulary (see lesson #1)
review the difference between MY/YOUR/HIS/HER...THIS/THAT
each kid with a card comes up to the felt board and sticks it up there, saying,
"This is MY _____."
The class responds by saying,
"THAT is HIS/HER ____."
Step & Jump
INTRODUCE: new materials
"What color is it?" and colors! red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, white (Who's wearing ____?).
Sing "Rainbow, Rainbow, Colors of the Rainbow!"
Have different students hold up the cards when they hear the names
Textbook pp62-3
Pre-listen & Watch
Listen & Repeat

Listen & Draw (txtbook 109)

*extra time backup: Play "IT." one student goes outside and teacher picks an item from the class. Outside student comes back in and gets to guess 3 times to find out whose ____ it is.